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Child Abuse and Neglect

Providing children with relief from the effects of child abuse and neglect while also helping in the investigation.

A child’s well-being is important, and our pediatric child abuse and neglect specialists understand this. They are dedicated to eliminating or limiting the effects of child abuse on a child’s life.

Our Child Abuse and Neglect team works in tandem with local community agencies to deliver quality services for affected children including: 

  • A safe, neutral and child-friendly location for a child to tell their story.
  • A forensic interview to gain information for the investigation.
  • Child and family support to optimize health and help begin healing.

Child Advocacy Center

A Child Advocacy Center provides a safe, neutral and child-friendly location for a child to tell their story when there are concerns about abuse. Child Advocacy Centers utilize a multidisciplinary team approach to optimize child abuse investigations. Marshfield Children’s has a Child Advocacy Center in Marshfield.

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